Online Setup

FarPlay for Superior Online Lessons

The BAKER PIANO STUDIO uses FarPlay for online lessons. FarPlay is a low-latency platform that minimizes audio delay. With the right setup, you and Jonathan will feel like you are in the same room, even though you are thousands of miles apart. Use this page and the FarPlay site to get started.


Your internet connection needs to be consistent - this is the most important factor.  What used to be considered “high speed” just a few years ago is slow by today’s standards. If your internet speed is too slow then your lesson will be inconsistent with a choppy visual image and sound.

Your internet speeds (both upload and download) should exceed 5mbps. To test your current speeds google the words “speed test”. 

The download speed indicates how quickly you get information from the web. Upload speed is the speed of your transmission to the other party, and that is where many problems occur. 


Obtain an ethernet cable. This is the least expensive and most stable connection. It transmits information faster than Wi-Fi and is essential for meetings via FarPlay.

If your computer does not have an ethernet port, then adapters or hubs will allow this, such as UBS-C to ethernet or  USB-A to ethernet. Some people buy a docking station that includes an ethernet port and allow other devices to connect.


What are they?

  • A modem is a box that connects your home with the Internet Service Provider (ISP) to a cable running outside the building. Is your modem up-to-date? If it is several years old it is due for a replacement.

  • A router is a box that connects to the Modem and allows multiple devices to be used at the same time in your home.

  • A Gateway box combines the Modem and Router into one unit.

To use FarPlay, the Ethernet cable is plugged into the modem and the computer, establishing a hard connection and reducing latency.

#4 Download FarPlay 

Download FarPlay from the FarPlay site. Then, check the requirements for using FarPlay on your computer and your computer’s setup. Take a minute to understand how FarPlay works and the panel on your computer. It’s pretty simple, actually.

If you have a condenser microphone, you may need to obtain an audio processor like a Focusrite, along with headphones, an Ethernet cable, and adapters.

FarPlay allows users to play together over thousands of miles and record lessons.

#5  VPN      

An online VPN is a service that encrypts your internet traffic and hides your IP address with a physical location. It interferes with FarPlay. If you have a VPN, you will need to disable or turn it off while using FarPlay.


You may be barely visible to others if you are using low lighting. It takes an amazing amount of light to be seen on camera. Make sure you have adequate lighting shining on you and the piano (and avoid having a window behind you that can make you appear to be only a dark shadow in front of a glaring light). Just a little experimentation with lighting will solve this. 


Your computer device should be placed at about eye level when sitting. If the camera is too low then the teacher will see only the side of one hand and unable to address issues of hand positions. Again, a moment of experimentation with camera placement should solve this quickly. You may wish to purchase a sturdy music stand which is easily moved about and can give you just the right angle. 


An external microphone has superior audio quality to the one on your computer and will aid you in having an excellent audio connection and lesson. Getting a quality mic such as the Blue Yeti is the way to go, and it is used by many pianists and singers. A step up from the Blue Yeti is a condenser microphone requiring an audio processor like a Focusrite. The condenser microphone will require a boom or microphone stand.


To upgrade your listening experience while practicing on digital keyboards, most musicians prefer the Sennheiser headphones that are ‘open back’. Quality headphones make a significant difference for those working on digital keyboards. Open back headphones give you dramatically superior audio quality, and the ‘open back’ does not seal off the acoustics of the room, and that allows you to talk with teachers or students. They are also easy to wear and remain comfortable with extensive use.


And finally, aside from electronic issues, set up your computer and lighting several minutes in advance of the lesson. It is a good idea to check your FarPlay settings. Taking a few minutes to warm up at the piano before your lesson helps a great deal to avoid feeling rushed and disoriented once the lesson begins.  

In Summation:

An ethernet cord, costing only a few dollars, will give you the best and most reliable connection with FarPlay.

Check your audio equipment to see if it works and turn off interfered systems like a VPN network.

Good lighting and preparation will enhance your learning experience.

And remember: Keep practicing and enjoy being a pianist!